Miss Kish.
The perfect name for a freelance designer.
A little crazy, a little cool and as it turns out, quite a business woman.
Over the 3 years, Miss Kish really sprouted.
Sorry – I couldn’t think of a better word for rapid growth that sounded organic enough…
So 3 years.
3 designers. 1 Manager. 1 Creative Director. 1 Accountant.
110 clients.
We all naturally started to feel that Miss Kish was the young us and started thinking of new names to call ourselves.
It was particularly awkward when Sayher (our manly-man) would pick up the phone and say “Miss Kish, Sayher speaking”.
Kish+Co was our top choice.
It still had Kish in it and was inclusive of all of us.
We started working on a rebrand.
We started telling people.
And that was when we hit a hurdle.
People had formed an emotional attachment to Miss Kish.
They loved the warmth, the colour, the personality and the overall good vibes.
And they were nervous it will all go away as we became a company.
So I really had to reassess.
We are changing. For the better.
And the things you love about us, are still here.
We’re just better.
Surely that can’t be bad : )
To ease the pain, we made (in true Kish style) a stunning animation.
We held a party for our friends and clients to introduce the company, talk about the collaborative opportunities and really just to chill and have some champagne.
We gradually introduced the new brand;
- a soft launch for the website
- tickets for the party with the new brand on it
- e-mail signatures
- and it took off from there.
The best is yet to come.