How hungry are you?

It’s been a super crummy week. Shit. Absolute crap.
I’m writing this as much for myself as I am for anyone who wants to snap out of their shitty day.


If I hear the phrases;

“market is down”

“recession” (I know its not a phrase, but lets just pretend it is)

“its just a time”

“its the economy”

“retail is bad”


any more, I will crack the shits. No, I’m not sure what “cracking the shits” entails, but it’s probably worse for V than it is for you.





Each week, I probably get at least 3 emails from designers asking me if there is any work available. I’ve already have 7 applications for work experience this year.




My question, isn’t;

what have you done?

where are you going?

whats your experience?

how many jobs have you got on your resume?


My question is simply:

How hungry are you. 


This is how hungry I was:





My first job vaguely related to design was actually cold calling.

I was a “Sales and Marketing Assistant”.

The company was a design + media company.

All I wanted, was the opportunity for any overload design work. In the meantime, I was young, willing and able to make as many cold calls as they needed me to.

I probably got to touch one brochure in the short span I was there for.




Needless to say, I did make an exit when I found the right job.

But if I hadn’t cold called, I wouldn’t have had a place to make an exit to.

One thing leads to another.




This isn’t just for designers.

I truly, madly, deeply still live by it.


Staying hungry.


Hungry to run a design studio.

Hungry to get kudos. 

Hungry to travel all over the world.

Hungry to sell out of scarves (they’re limited edition and this is a shameless plug)

Hungry to be able to work less when I have kids.

Hungry to be on the cover of something pretty awesome.




So I guess where I’m going with all of this is:

If you want the extraordinary, you need to be ravenous.

If you want a design job, if you want an internship, if you want to write your own blog and make money off it, if you want to run a stall at the Finders Keepers Markets, if you want to speak at a conference in Germany, if you want to speak on TED, if you want to be written about, if you want to make something / do something / be someone / anything…





PS – Misery loves company. So if you want to talk about

> how to shift perspective
> how to find a mentor (more people to help get you out of the shits)
> how to grow your business out of the shits
> how to get someone else to worry about how to grow your business out of the shits

I’m here and as you can see, I’ve been there done that (to some extent).

You can find me at:

Creative Director and Founder of Kish+Co
+614 22742304 

Pinterest . Twitter


Karishma KasabiaHow hungry are you?

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