Read more about our latest marketing venture, or, learn how to make granola!
Unconventional Marketing. 200 jars of granola and a whole lotta love.
This year, we gave out 150 jars of homemade granola to our friends & clients and another 50 jars to fabulous women we met at Meet & Eat. We’re always a little crazy when it comes to Valentine’s Day. I used to get irritated when I was single. Don’t worry, it still irritates me now. My man isn’t exactly …
Paris. Louis Vuitton. Space Invader. Graffiti. Montmartre. Arc de Triomphe.
This year I went to London for a big Indian wedding followed by Berlin and Paris. It was a delight and I am now broke. But just what I needed middle of the year to freshen me up. I’ve been swamped and I know I’ll give up on doing individual posts per place I went. Some of these have been …